Wednesday 27 February 2013

A quick day

Raging sun. The day starts at minus five, and soars dizzyingly to PLUS ELEVEN. Scotland is in her most glorious, giddy pomp.

There was:

Work. HorseBack. Logistics. The making of lists. An unexpected drive through the silver birch woods, with the high mountains in the distance still smothered in snow. Vital errands. Slight dog panic as Stanley spots a chicken, a fowl he has not encountered before. Chicken is rescued in the nick of time. Charity shop; tidying of cupboards; more lists. A perfect half hour with the mare. As always, not enough time. Never enough time.

Oh, and the Sister gave me the red hat, so I may wear it to Cheltenham. (It is from her chic clothes shop.)

So this is what I shall look like when I roar Sprinter Sacre up the hill:


Except without the mare and the gumboots.

And this is the good girl who got a big fat gold star today:

27 Feb 3-004


  1. have just caught up on your week, delighted to hear your good news, may it keep glimmering and growing! and loving hte photos, london has been terribly grey and grim this week x

    1. What a lovely thing to say. Must say, did try VERY hard not to feel smug about gloomy reports from the south whilst we basked in sunshine. Usually the other way round. :)

  2. That hat was made for you.


    1. I am SO pleased you think so. It makes me feel all swishy.

  3. Wish I could join you all at Cheltenham. Being a Fred Winter old boy, (early seventies)Will be roaring Nickys horses home from my armchair in Germany, might even spot a large red hat in the crowd!! Have fun:-))))

    1. Gerry - how lovely. I remember Fred so well. He was a huge part of my childhood, and his whole family. I think Nicky Henderson might have another bumper festival this year. Although I'm going out on a limb and backing my beloved Overturn to give Simonsig a shock. Heart over head always my undoing when it comes to punting. :)

  4. Glad you have a new project - you're obviously resilient. Love the red hat!

  5. Thats a great hat, wish I had one.

  6. The hat is fabulous, absolutely! You look great in it!


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