Sunday 10 March 2013

Mothering Sunday

Happy day to all the great mothers. I know quite a lot of them. I never cease to look at them with awe and wonder.

Happy Mother’s Day to my own dear mum, seen here looking amazingly glamorous at an unknown racecourse, with The Sister and The Younger Brother, some time in the early seventies:

10th March Mum


  1. Struth, another stunner! Your parents are/were so good-looking. We adore our parents quite naturally, if we are reasonably lucky and they are nice to us, but it must have seemed yours were a prince and princess when you were little.

    Happy Mothering Sunday to all (especially this week female) caretakers, I say. All those who selflessly and consistently see to the needs of any vulnerable and/or dependent human or other living creature. It all comes from the same place in the heart, even if birthpangs have never been endured, in my view.

  2. Glam! Your mother is beautiful; obviously a VERY good looking family. :)


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