Friday 19 April 2013

A lovely family Friday

Lovely day: sun shining, horses enchanting, dog amusing. Running round like a mad thing as the family gathers from far and wide. Aunts, cousins, niece and nephew-in-law, great-nephews; all are arriving. The glorious Scottish hills are blue in the sun for them. I buy flowers and arrange them and feel the coming of spring.

No time to write now, which is probably just as well after all those words yesterday.

Here are some pictures for you instead, for a glorious Friday afternoon:

Happy girls, first thing:

19 April 1 3720x2681

My little festival of flowers:

19 April 3 4032x3024

19 April 5 3024x4032

19 April 6 3024x4032

19 April 7 3024x4032

19 April 7 3024x4032-001

19 April 8 4032x3024

Daffs, still not quite feeling like it:

19 April 10 4032x3024

Red the mare doing more excellent work with her remarkable trainer:

19 April 14 3897x2185

This is what Mr Stanley the Dog looks like when I say the word SQUIRREL:

19 April 15 3024x4032

And gazing out over the burn:

19 April 16 4032x3024

The hill is blue again, after weeks of white:

19 April 22 4020x1524

I hope you are having a wonderful Friday, wherever you are.


  1. Stanley the dog looks so smart! I just posted a picture of my shaggy border terrier aka 'Stinky' as he was lying on his dirty old towel (which he loves) next to my desk. He needs a strip badly but it's been so cold here in London all spring that I keep putting it off, thinking he'll be cold.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  2. SQUIRREL photo too much!

  3. Hello...I really like your internal shots as much as the external. I mean obviously the Beech Avenue wins out every time generally speaking but the pretty flowers and your home are always so pleasing and soothing. I need to get more flowers in my life! I imagine your home as a place of calm and solace for you and that is a nice thought. And as for Stanley and the 'squirrel' face; my dog has an equivalent that comes (bizarrely?) with the words 'hungry?' and 'treats!'. Have a restful weekend and may the sun shine! Lou x

  4. Your table is something out of a very posh home & gardens glossy magazine!


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