Wednesday 17 April 2013

Time management fail. Excellent rolling success.

Ha. The new regime of excellent time management took a bit of a hit today. I ran around like a confused pony, attempting to get everything done; rather failing. But still, enough was achieved, even if not in a shiny, linear way.

Somehow, in amidst all the faintly aimless cantering, I managed to have a bet on the lovely filly Hot Snap, trained by Henry Cecil. She was 12-1 in the morning, and the well-informed Cornelius Lycett helpfully reminded his Twitter posse that she was chosen by Sir Henry last year as his shining stable star for this season. Henry Cecil is not a man for hyperbole, so I paid attention and put my money where his mouth was, despite Richard Hannon having the warm favourite.

It was Hot Snap’s first run as a three-year-old and she still looked green and uncertain as she ran in snatches at the back of the pack. At one point the commentator said: ‘She’ll have to pass the whole field.’ My heart rather sank. Then, she found her rhythm, got motoring, went soaring through a tiny gap between the nearest horse and the rail, a really gutsy move, and flashed into a definitive lead. She won going away.

As I shouted my joy, I had a quick look at my William Hill account. My useless time management and rather hopeless goofy day had, in the law of unintended consequences, given me a gift. I was so daffy, I’d backed her twice, obviously having forgotten the first bet.

As you know, I like to pass on any life lessons upon which I stumble. They are most often given to me in equine form, and this one tangentially was. It is: never, ever question the word of Sir Henry Cecil. I admit that this may have fairly limited usage, but when it works, it really works.

No time left for pictures now, so here is a quick photo essay from this morning. My grand duchess quite forgot her poshness for five minutes and got down in the mud for a really, really good roll. We may rue the mud and long for the green grass of spring, but at least the paddock still provides perfect wallowing places:

17 April 1 3024x4032

17 April 2 3024x4032

17 April 3 4032x3024

17 April 5 4032x3024

17 April 7 4032x3024

17 April 8 4032x3024

Stanley joins in the fun:

17 April 9 4032x3024

17 April 10 4032x3024

17 April 11 4032x3024

17 April 12 3974x2159

17 April 13 4006x2464

And finally, it’s back to breakfast, with her friend Autumn:

17 April 14 4032x3024


  1. Poor girl probably wouldn't thank you for those pictures of 'her parts' but then she'll not see them :)

  2. I love the one where she's just getting up - you can really see her beautiful muscle structure in the neck and chest... just gorgeous!


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