Wednesday 15 May 2013

Out of whack

I love the internet. I love most of the people on it. I love that its great power is often used for good instead of evil. But sometimes it knocks me for a loop and this is one of those days. One day I shall butch up and deal with my tender feelings but for the moment they remain tender.

As a result it is half-past six and there is no blog. I can give you only one picture, of this most adored of the Best Beloveds, who did barrel racing manoeuvres in a high wind wearing nothing but a rope halter. When people say ex-racehorses are no good, crazy in the head, can’t do a thing with them, I want to put her photograph all over the damn internet and say – But look. Look. She is the poster girl to end all poster girls and words cannot describe how she expands my heart.

15 May 1 13-05-2013 13-39-10


  1. I am sorry someone broke your heart with cruelty. I am sorry I did not stop yesterday to say your work with the veterans lifts my heart. Thank you for all you do for love of life.

    1. Joanne - such a kind thing to say. Just did want to clarify: was not cruelty, just careless words. (Always get a little burned in these situations and do not want escalation.) But thank you for the very generous sentiment. :)

  2. Not sure what to do with this...and hate that you have been made to feel that your feelings are tender. I hope that tomorrow is better. And yes, she is a poster girl (Betty Grable?). Because of you I notice every little thing about horses that I never did before. You are an education. L x

  3. Yes, she is a poster girl. As are you, for all the beauty you bring to the internet. Do hope tomorrow is a better day. x

  4. Well - that was surely an odd one yesterday. Hope you take no notice. V much enjoy your postings and your terrific work with Horseback UK.


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