Wednesday 5 June 2013

An ordinary day

My time management, so shoddy and generally disappointing, suddenly wakes up and goes into turbo drive. I have absolutely no idea how this happens. I get all my HorseBack work done and do 918 words of book before lunch, and then have another burst in the afternoon and end up with 1290. This is absurdly pleasing.

I am so delighted that I go down to the mare and spend a moochy half an hour taking her out for a pick of the lush green grass which grows outside her paddock, in the wild places.

The grass in the paddock is short and poor after the long winter; even a small herd of three will not give it a chance to get going. This is good for the round little pony, and means we don’t have to construct her a starvation area, which is something I hate, but leaves the mare and the filly a little deprived. Taking them out into the lush grazing is a necessity for their well-being, but it’s also one of the simplest pleasures in a day.

A hungry horse getting a go at the really good grass is like an impoverished duchess being taken out to Claridge’s by a successful relation. Ah, the plates of asparagus and the piles of new spring potatoes. It is dreamed-of luxury. I can stand and stare, as the joy and appreciation go on beside me, watching the ducks fly over the burn and the coos gathering in the middle meadow, listening to the rhythmical tear and munch of Red’s powerful mouth. She is utterly, utterly contented. Stanley the Dog, who was once greatly alarmed by what he must have perceived as a huge red dog, now grazes quietly beside her. It’s very sweet.

It’s that kind of day; the most ordinary of days. Work, equines, dog, family. All the things that must be done are done. I even found my car insurance certificate, after only having to excavate two piles, which is a miracle for me. I have not taken in the news, or seen the latest controversies. It’s just been me and these lovely creatures who make up my life.


Today’s pictures:

HorseBack morning:

5 June 1 05-06-2013 10-06-39

5 June 2 05-06-2013 10-09-39

I’m particularly fond of this little mare. Her name is actually Red, which of course makes me fonder still:

5 June 3 05-06-2013 10-23-20


5 June 5 04-06-2013 13-49-33

5 June 6 04-06-2013 13-50-52

5 June 7 04-06-2013 13-51-58

5 June 9 02-06-2013 15-56-31

Best Beloveds:

5 June 10 04-06-2013 13-53-25

5 June 11 04-06-2013 13-53-40

5 June 14 02-06-2013 15-03-07


5 June 20 02-06-2013 16-02-41

The comments in the last couple of days have been particularly kind and touching. Thank you for them.

I looked back in the archive and found a Pigeon picture from this exact day last year. This is the face I have been missing. You see why:

5 June 21 05-06-2012 11-41-44

Look at those dreamy eyes. What is she musing on, I wonder?

1 comment:

  1. Oh. What a face, thank you. Biscuits maybe...


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