Friday 5 July 2013

Lost day

So sorry, I think I lost a day. Almost certain it went down the back of the sofa.

5 July 1 03-07-2013 11-39-21

5 July 2 03-07-2013 11-39-09

5 July 3 03-07-2013 11-39-18

5 July 4 03-07-2013 11-39-53

5 July 5 03-07-2013 11-42-19

5 July 6 03-07-2013 11-40-20

5 July 8 05-07-2013 10-23-35

5 July 9 05-07-2013 10-25-41

5 July 10 02-07-2013 13-29-48

5 July 10 26-06-2013 09-36-50

5 July 11 03-07-2013 11-40-45

Lovely comments yesterday; thank you. I always enjoy it when the Dear Readers offer each other words of kindness and wisdom.


  1. Oh....ahhhh...behind the sofa, you say!?! THAT'S where I should look then since in the last month I've misplaced a week -- twice! (I simply skipped over it. Two times. Crazy.)
    Love the digitalis. (The slugs loved mine; I have one stalwart left...)

  2. Those foxgloves are amazing! Rachel

  3. Eek, they're probably not foxgloves, are they? Well whatever those purple flowers are, they are stunning Rachel

  4. Hey Anonymous, yes those are foxgloves! Oh, and Tania - what are the alien-gorgeous white blossoms in the first picture? We don't have anything like them over here in NY (I don't think). Lovely!


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