Wednesday 21 August 2013

The sun shines on the Knavesmire

It’s YORK.

I am beside myself with excitement. I get up early and race around like a sprinter getting all my work done so that I may now sit and watch the racing. The Ebor meeting is one of my favourites of the year. I adore the mighty green sweep of the Knavesmire. And, as Sir Henry Cecil and Tom Queally said last year, when I was there to watch Frankel write another glorious page in racing history, there is nothing like the Yorkshire crowd.

Today, two of my favourite horses go up against each other. I feel almost disloyal having to pick between Toronado and Al Kazeem. Even though most of the time I attempt to resist magical thinking, the lunatic part of my brain is convinced that if I bet against one of my old faithfuls, they will know. Of course, if I were a sensible person, I would not have a bet, and just watch for pleasure. But I am too much of my father’s daughter for that to be possible. Mr William Hill and I shall be on most intimate terms in the next few days.

In the end, I stick with Al Kazeem. I love his toughness and his talent. I love that he came back from injury and has been imperious ever since. I love that he gallops and fights and sticks out his brave neck. I love that his latest form figures read a perfect 1111.

What will now happen is that Hillstar will turn out to be the great improver and thrash both of them.

However the magnificent contest plays out, it will be one of the great races of the summer and I feel lucky to be able to watch it. It is going to be a perfect afternoon.


Some quick pictures for you, of HorseBack and my herd and a flower or two and Edward the Puppy and Stan the Man:

21 Aug 1

21 Aug 2

21 Aug 5

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21 Aug 7

21 Aug 8

21 Aug 15

21 Aug 10

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21 Aug 20

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