Thursday 10 April 2014

A good day.

How odd moods are. Yesterday, I was spinning my wheels, beset by furies. Today, I woke smiling, and decided to take the pressure off. I would go slowly. I would not rush. I even took a proper lunch break, and went and mooched about in the field with the mares and the Horse Talker and the Pony Whisperer, who was having a delightful ride on Autumn the Filly.

‘I love riding,’ the PW said. ‘I love this horse.’

She even sang both the girls a special song.

I was ready to give myself a break, and not achieve that much. In the end, rather to my surprise, I wrote hundreds of words, did some serious editing, got all my HorseBack work done, schooled the red mare to high effect, and finished everything I had to do by the ridiculous hour of 4.38pm. (Quite often I do not finish work until after eight.)

More haste, less speed, shout the old wives in my head, telling their tales.

The sun shone, Stanley the Dog made The Mother laugh and laugh, the grass is growing, the birds are singing, the hills are blue as blue.

And the Dear Readers have lately left comments of such kindness and wisdom that it makes me smile and smile.

This, officially, gets the seal of: A Good Day.


Today’s pictures:

Herself is, as you can see, still very woolly from the winter. But she is getting her first gleam of spring shine. Here she is, enjoying her breakfast, which now has a new miracle product in it. Seabuckthorn, my darlings. A very kind person sent us some, out of the blue. It’s so damn good I’m thinking of trying it myself. I could do with a shiny coat. Red gives it her full double hoof of approval:

10 April 1-010

I love this picture, even though it is not her prettiest face. It’s her happy, contemplative, being her absolute self face. She is chewing the cud, like a great old heifer:

10 April 2-010

Blue hills:

10 April 3-010

10 April 4-010

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