Monday 26 May 2014

A day.

Breakfast discussing the European elections. Horses. Forty pages of editing. Happy bank holiday bets. The genius of McCoy, the prettiness of Cartmel. My treble comes in. People on the internet are funny and kind. Some are people I know, and some are people I do not know. They all make me smile. Stan the Man looks handsome. Gentle evening ride. The red mare has a go at spirited, but I persuade her that dozy old donkey is much better look, so she settles for that. Sunshine and oystercatchers and demure pigeons.

Just before I finish, I have a small shaft of inspiration. Now I know what I shall cut tomorrow. I am ruthless.

26 May 1

26 May 2

26 May 3

26 May 4

26 May 5


  1. Your hair? A bit bored in the car being driven back to London. So nearly went to Cartmel this weekend.

  2. The top of picture of the two friends walking from sun to shade is beautiful. They "own" that pastoral catwalk!

  3. Yes. Was also going to say I love the "girls" in their field.


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