Friday 21 October 2016

My work is done.

I finished my big polish and have no more words and no more brain left. The sun shone. The autumn leaves are suddenly growing vivid and gaudy. The red mare’s young friend came for a ride. The dogs danced up and down the burn as if they were inventing choreography in their doggy heads. 

A dear friend sent me a lovely message to say he has read The Happy Horse and had loved it. This was incredibly touching for two reasons. He is a writer and a reviewer and he has a vast amount to read for his work. And although he was once a very fine amateur jockey, he has not sat on a horse for years. So that was a true act of friendship.

Across the way, a wedding is taking place, and happy people in kilts are smiling at the good weather and the joy and the love. 

I squint, with the last that is left of my cognitive function, at the first meeting of the season at Cheltenham, where the equine athletes stretch and gallop and soar
under the benign gaze of Cleeve Hill. A faint shadow of melancholy falls on me as I think how much my mother loved this meeting. One is reunited with old friends, back from their summer holidays, and one gets a dazzling glimpse of the new stars, the young ones brought over from France or the novices who are just graduating to hurdles. ‘Very bonny,’ I write about one fella in my notebook, under Horses to Follow. ‘A little sprinkle of stardust perhaps.’

It’s been a long week and I feel a bit like Joey Ramone when he sang: I guess I’ll have to tell them that I got no cerebellum. Which is one of my favourite lyrics of all time. But I got my work done.


  1. I have often thought of two things that you might be interested in. One is a blog by Jon Katz. He writes about living with animals among other things and lives on a farm in upstate NY. Today he wrote about the fourth wall - theatrical term to help him keep boundaries on his blog between himself and his readers who can even when meaning to be helpful, hurt him. The Fourth Wall: Building Boundaries In A World Without Borders. The other is a beautiful song called Races that Judy Collins sing on her latest album, Strangers Again. I do hope my offering is taken as meant - ignore if it makes no sense, but enjoy if it works for you.
    Love your writing, your thoughts. Thank you

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Congratulations.
    With great admiration,
    A long time reader


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