Tuesday 1 December 2009

Anish Kapoor

Too tired now after too much train travel to talk of the Anish Kapoor exhibition, but if you are anywhere near the Royal Academy, defy the crowds and go.

Meanwhile, some pictures of the courtyard.

Posted via email from taniakindersley's posterous


  1. Tania (and Sarah) - I have just received in the post a hardback copy of your beautiful book. I am so thrilled - and must admit it was going to be a gift for someone else but having read the first page Idon't know if I can give it away!!

  2. Miss M - DELIGHTED about the book. So hope you enjoy. Let us know.

  3. Oh, oh, oh....I snuck off work for a morning and got there not long after it opened and before the mass crowds arrived and....oh my...it was brilliant wasn't it.


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