Thursday 3 December 2009

No excuses

My mother says: 'I do like your blog.  I get very cross when there is a day without anything on it.'
I say: 'Mum, I did projectile vomiting in the night. Everything hurts. Even my fingers hurt.'
She says: 'Yes, well, drink a lot of water.' I can tell she would quite like to say, but does not: 'But a blog would be nice.'
First the baby got sick, and then the little Dancing Queen, aged seven, threw a fever, and finally, yesterday, the Random One (my godson, aged ten, who tells me proudly of his randomness, which I greatly encourage) developed a chest infection. Never mind,  I thought, I shall sail through it.  Then came the projectile vomiting in the night.
But as my mother implies, I cannot just leave you with nothing, so I type this from my bed with arthritic fingers, feeling like a very cross, very old lady.  All I can give you are some pictures, until I feel like a human again.
The sweet fellow I have been riding, a little scruffy from the field.  He is the most tremendous gentleman.
All the puppies together
All the dogs, together.  Those are my cousin's puppies on the left, and my old ladies on the right.  Quite amazing how much they look as if they are related, even though my girls came from Fort William, and the puppies were born near Stroud.
Olly and purdey
My lovely godson, the Emperor of Random, all curled up with one of my old girls.
Baby and Mango
The baby, reading her favourite toy catalogue (she loves a catalogue) while my other dog sits guard.
Ella and dogs
The little Dancing Queen, named for her extraordinary sense of rhythm, with both my dogs.
more puppies
And one more of the dogs, because you know I can't resist.  Mine in the middle, puppies flanking.
And now I am going to have a little rest.


  1. ohh pah. Miserable. Please do get well VERY soon. And what wonderful photographs! The dogs! The infants! LLGxx

  2. Feel better soon. And remember to sip your water not gulp it to keep hydrated. x

  3. Oh lovely - sorry you're feeling so awful. I love all the photos - really makes me smile. Hunker down in bed and look after yourself. We will wait eagerly for your next post. xx

  4. LLG - Thank you so very much. Feeling slightly human this evening. So glad you liked the small people; they really are very sweet. Loved yr Dean St video, by the way.

    Jo - thank you so much for sipping tip. Am strictly following yr instructions.

    So Lovely - Am in bed as you suggest with snoring dogs and hot lemon and paracetamol. Eyes feel like boiled eggs but otherwise am improving. Terrible winter bugs here, hope you are escaping in California.

  5. Hope you feel better.

    (Also - everything should be flanked by puppies.)

  6. Glory - Thank you so much. And I love your conviction about flanking.

  7. oh do feel better soon. hope you have your favourite blanket and pillow with a great book. x

  8. Hope you are on the mend.
    Do we have the same mother? If I am really ill, she tuts a bit, tells me to drink a large amount of water and proceeds to tell me about all her life-threatening illnesses.
    Drink Lucozade - much nicer than water!


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