Friday 28 May 2010


Posted by Tania Kindersley.

What I love about the spring coming so late in Scotland is that you get to the end of May and all the green is still new and dazzling. It is the very epitome of green. It is as if green were just invented.


Looking down through the leaves into the burn.


A tiny little cowslip.


Even a common old nettle looks ravishing at this time of year.

And then, just as we were finishing our morning walk, the dogs and I spotted my lovely SISTER:


See how they dash to greet her?


And then politely escort her back. How smart she looks in her new red coat. (The little black dog in front is her poodle.)


Then we all walked up along the beech avenue.


And looked at the wild Scottish sky.

Sometimes all I need is a bit of walk and a bit of chat and some glorious trees to look at. I am not always so philosophical, but I am today.

Have a lovely Friday.


  1. I just love how green your country is. It is absolutely stunning. My husband and I traveled to Scotland 2 years ago and were blow away by the lush hills and amazing scenery. What a great country to live in!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. That is so green and lovely. Your photos are beautiful.

  3. Looks gorgeous. Almost makes me think I should leave London more often !

  4. So pleased you all liked the special green. Now of course it has come over rather rainy and gloomy, but when the sun shines it is like nowhere else on earth.

  5. Scotland runs through my veins. You could never bore me with your green or your dogs.
    I envy you.
    David, NYC

  6. David - how very kind you are, and how lovely it is to think of you reading my little Scottish blog all the way from the thrilling streets of New York City.


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