Saturday 29 May 2010

A slight surprise

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Sometimes, I step outside my front door and get a nice surprise, like a fleeting glimpse of a roe deer or the arrival of the swifts for the summer or any kind of parcel. Today, I really was not expecting this:


Or, in fact, this:


Or this:


There was a little bank holiday fete going on across the way, and a gentleman had pitched up with a sea eagle, two owls, a peregrine falcon and a harrier hawk. It really was rather thrilling.


Then my gorgeous niece turned up and my day was made.

I don't want to go too bucolic on your ass, but I would also like to state for the record that I actually observed some lambs gambolling in the south meadow this morning. I'm afraid there was no other word for it. It's not so very long ago that I spent my time running between the All Saint's Road and Dean Street pretending to be something out of a novel by Colin MacInnes, and now I get my kicks watching small sheep jump about in a green field. My friend Sophie was the one who watched the nature programmes; I was much too busy reading sordid biographies of Scott Fitzgerald and Dorothy Parker. Now, all I can think about is when my swallows are going to come back from their African wintering grounds to build their traditional nest in the shed. (Each year, I am terrified something will happen to them on the long journey home, and the perfect little wattle nests will remain forlorn and empty.) It wasn't how I thought my life would turn out.  It got this way through a tangle of serendipity and circumstance, and I would not change it for gold or rubies.

Have a lovely weekend.


  1. Swallows back in N London and in Notts so should be on way to you shortly!

  2. Swallows in Angus, Tania, I'll tweetpic.

  3. How amazing to have birds like that land in your garden... I wish I had them in Dalston! xx

  4. It's easy to forget just how lovely and playful lambs are...I can go one spring to another without ever seeing a lamb now I live in London but my childhood was one where lambing was a real event and it was absolutely lovely to see them play.


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