Tuesday 2 April 2013

No blog today

Too much life and work, and not enough time.

Here are two of the sweetest sights I saw today - my two mares blissfully enjoying a graze of actual grass. After a long winter, much of it with the ground under snow, even the best hay grows dull. Taking them out of the paddock for a pick is like taking them to Claridge’s for lunch.

Myfanwy, with the very chic Pony Whisperer:

2 April 1

(I really think there is something of classic Audrey Hepburn about that hat.)

And Red the Mare, who was immaculate today, and won six gold stars. Although officially there are only five stars on offer, sometimes, like in Spinal Tap, they go up to six, and this was one of those days:

2 April 2

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