Wednesday 3 April 2013

On the road again

So no blog.

Instead, here is a picture of Jura the HorseBack UK puppy, with his very special friend Charlotte.

Charlotte is also my friend. She is a writer too. Sometimes, we discuss our work together. Sometimes, we talk about the dogs and the chickens.

3 April 1


  1. Nothing quite like dogs and chickens to help you focus on the important things in life. Scratching in the dirt, basking in the sun, enjoying food and company....

  2. Sweet picture, I could talk about dogs for agers but don't know much about chickens.

  3. On the road......where to this time?

    (Sorry if I missed earlier reference. What's left of brain & ever-increasing body being slow-cooked in south Florida...where spring temperatures today (Wednesday) flirted with the 90s Fahrenheit...30 Celsius).

    Happy Road Trip!

  4. So sorry i've been absent, my best friend has been ill and flew back from China, i've been sort of 'looking after' her... hospital and tests....her results are back later sat in the knifebox.
    Wishing you a belated *Happy Easter* and a good trip away.
    All love and trees from Calderdale


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