Tuesday, 29 July 2014

A good day.

Today I:

Rode the mare, played with the dog, wrote 1579 words, had tech rage, did two HorseBack stints, smiled at the kindness of strangers, walked and laughed with my family, scolded myself for lack of administrative skills, made one important telephone call, had two disastrous bets at Goodwood (Beacon, what were you doing?), met a very charming gentleman who remembered my father, planted some lavender, caught the edge of the news, which is still bad, attacked the weeds, and made some really rather good chicken for supper.

That’s it.

(In other words: did not do the blog.)

Took some pictures for you though:

29 July 1

29 July 2

29 July 3

29 July 5

29 July 6

29 July 8

29 July 10

29 July 11


  1. Thank you for sharing your good day.
    Your pics are beautiful, as always, even if they are missing an elegant redhead and a floppy-eared gentleman. :)

  2. So nice to see the hill again. Every day is a good day when you blog! Rachel

  3. (Almost) exhausted simply READING your list. You do more on an "off" day than I often manage in a week!

    Beautiful photos again.....as usual!


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