Thursday 28 October 2010

More lovely men

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

There seems to be a bit of a theme developing on the blog over the last ten days or so. I think it must be because the mid-terms are really heating up, so I am geeking out on American politics just now, and there is a certain breed of Republican who cannot countenance the same sex lovin' and will insist on using that delightful bigotry for political advantage. This makes me sad and cross.

Luckily, the dear old interwebs are throwing up plenty of antidote. If you want something to make you smile and cry, watch this:


  1. Thomas of My Porch has a nice blogpost today. Kind of connecting with yours.

  2. Ha! I posted this too. I am a sobbing mess. X

  3. Awe- I have a beautiful gay 20 year son that I adore and am on the anti bully warpath these days. This is so wonderful and made this mama smile...through tears.

  4. Mystica - thank you so much for directing me to Thomas. I love his blog and would not have found it otherwise.

    Miss W - two minds with but one thought. It did make me cry.

    Laurel - that is such a wonderful comment. I love the thought of the smiling mama and the beautiful son. Thank you.


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