Wednesday 24 April 2013

A new life.

Quite without meaning to, I have created a completely new life for myself.

It all started with the whimsical purchase of a ravishingly beautiful red mare. This led to a snaking chain of new friendships which brought me to the door of HorseBack UK. I fell in love with it as I fell in love with my horse. After a while, I realised that I could not just visit once in a while, but that I had to contribute. I thought of various ways of volunteering and decided that the only thing I really had to offer were words. It turned out, thankfully for me, that words were exactly what they required.

At first, it was a once or twice a week thing. I could do grant proposals, explanatory literature, any writing they needed. There was talk of a weekly blog, which may yet happen. Then, again on a complete whim, I offered to take on another project for them, which now takes me there pretty much five days a week.

I could not be more glad if someone had brought me a lottery cheque. As I’ve said before, working with a charity is the most winning of win-win situations. It’s not just that you feel you are doing some tiny thing which actually matters in the world, which has nothing to do with the burnishing of your own ego; it’s also vast amounts of fun. From my point of view, it is a fine corrective for my vanity. None of the work I do for them is under my own name. It’s not about anyone saying: good gracious, that was a perfectly turned sentence. It’s all about subsuming oneself into something bigger and much more important. This, I think, is a bloody good tonic as one charges into middle age.

The remarkable thing about HorseBack is that it is like a family. Once people have been there on the courses, they are part of the family, and often they will return as volunteers. There is one veteran of this sort there at the moment. He has suffered such crashing PTSD that until he came to HorseBack he was unable to leave his house for six years. He told me yesterday, quite matter of fact, that he sometimes goes for ninety hours without a single wink of sleep. (Rat-tat-tat go the steel-capped boots of The Perspective Police.)

But it’s not just the servicemen and women and the veterans who are the family. Once you start working for the organisation, you are a relation too. I know the people and the horses now; I start to see all their idiosyncrasies and trace their stories. I realised this morning how fully accepted I am, because they have got to the stage of teasing me. I come in and out, with my camera and my notebook, with my hair all anyhow and, as today, my ratty old cardigan covered in hay and horse hair from doing morning stables, and I don’t care, because that’s what you can do with your family. No one bats an eyelid.

Suddenly, I don’t just have a book to write and a dog to walk. I have this entire new wide prairie of possibility. As the spring rolls on, the real work is hotting up at HorseBack. I will be snapping and scribbling at full stretch.

I tell you all this because it means two things for the blog. It means it is going to move more and more into being a very personal record. I used to try and talk about world events a bit, or politics; I would generate theories and try out ideas. This has been happening less and less, and I realise now will probably not happen at all. The thing is going to shrink, to the size of my day.

Someone on Twitter recently asked me how it was that I could be a self-professed politics geek and not have a word to say about Mrs Thatcher’s death. Quite apart from the fact that every woman and her dog were weighing in on the subject and I had nothing original to add, I replied honestly that there was no time. I still sneak off to catch up on the Rachel Maddow show and start each day with the Today Programme, but I have no space to form proper opinions on the events of moment. There are many other places you can go for those good thoughts and knotty arguments.

The second thing is that it will be shorter. Many of you will throw your hats in the air at the thought of that.

When I started this enterprise, I wanted huge numbers and worldly success. I was convinced I could go viral and everyone would buy my books. Now it has become a tiny, intense personal pleasure. I no longer look at my numbers. I don’t care about them. It’s just me and Red and the herd and Stanley the Dog and the hill and the shining shaft of sunlight that is HorseBack UK. And you, the Dear Readers.


Today’s pictures:

24 April 1 3024x4032

Gus the Foal, flaked out:

24 April 2 4032x3024

This is Winnie. I’ve only recently got to know her. I am besotted:

24 April 3 3024x4032


24 April 5 4032x3024

Mikey, another of my favourites, who is a famous escape artist, as you can see:

24 April 6 3024x4032

Cody, ambling in from the field:

24 April 7 3008x2604

This the gentleman I was telling you about. Not only does he have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, but before he came to HorseBack he was terrified of horses. Now he gets a great sloppy kiss from Apollo:

24 April 8 4032x3024

At home, signs of spring:

24 April 8 3006x2914

24 April 14 3024x4032

24 April 15 4032x3024

And lovely girls:

24 April 10 4032x3024

24 April 11 4032x3024

Stanley the Dog on his favourite perch:

24 April 16 2592x3403

And the dear old hill:

24 april 20 4020x1586


  1. It sound lovely. Working with a charity and horses - the best combination!

  2. I am terrified of horses and reading your blog makes me want to go right out and take riding lessons. The love with which you talk about these creatures is catching.

  3. Good. I shall enjoy this. Gus looks like I feel.

  4. I love Gus. And I want to move to Scotland. It would be returning to half my roots and I must, before I die. I want a hill :)

  5. You are so happy you make us smile. Another contribution.

  6. Frankly I was delighted that you didn't have anything to say about Mrs T. It was a blessed break from all news media going on and on about it. And I'm also delighted that you've found a new set of ways in which to look at the world: they all sound exactly right for you.

  7. Sounds like the best of several possible worlds...

    Just curious: Do you take Stanley with you to HorseBack UK?

  8. Lovely. Nothing stays the same and I'm just so happy that you're continuing with the blog and letting us all come along for the ride. :)

  9. How wonderful for you, I'm really pleased. And that's the sort of blog I like best and what I like my own blog to be. I'm glad to say I've made a number of personal friends through it, hold an annual blog party and people I've never met before turn up to it every year.


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